Cómo puedo mostrar los archivos ocultos (htaccess) cuando uso cPanel File Manager? Imprimir

  • cpane, htaccess
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By default, when using cPanel's File manager, it will not display hidden files and folders until you enable the option to show the hidden files. Hidden file and folder names start with a dot (.) such as: .htaccess, .htpasswd, .bashrc

How to show hidden file and folders in cPanel's File Manager

  1. Login to your cPanel control panel.
  2. under the Files section of cPanel, click the File Manager icon. A new window will pop up.
    • If the pop-up box does not appear, click the "Settings" button to the top right corner while using File Manager then select Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) and save!

  3. Ensure the check box for Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) is selected.
  4. Click "GO".

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